La vittima è una trentenne di origine nigeriana. Già la scorsa settimana gli stessi cani avevano aggredito una donna e il proprietario di casa L'articolo Latina, donna 30enne azzannata e uccisa da un branco di cani nel giardino di casa di un amico proviene da Il Fatto Quotidiano.
A thirty-year-old woman of Nigerian origin was fatally attacked by a pack of dogs in the garden of a friend's house in Latina, Italy.
The incident occurred despite the same dogs having previously attacked another woman and the homeowner the week before. Police intervened, firing a shot to try and disperse the dogs, but the victim succumbed to her injuries in the hospital.
A thirty-year-old woman of Nigerian origin was fatally attacked by a pack of dogs in the garden of a friend's house in Latina, Italy. The incident occurred despite the same dogs having previously attacked another woman and the homeowner the week before. Police intervened, firing a shot to try and disperse the dogs, but the victim succumbed to her injuries in the hospital.